All you need is love?

All you need is love 1

ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE? Is this really true?

Not really.

Loving someone is a great start but what happens when that person often becomes “unlovable”? Maybe they’re not as perfect as you thought they were. Maybe they get a little fat after a while or develop little personality quirks that start getting on your nerves. Do you “jump ship” and get a divorce? Find somebody new?

No. You stick it out. Real love is patient, forgiving and enduring (1 Cor. 12). It requires commitment to loving your partner despite their faults – through good times – and bad times.

You don’t jump ship the moment your relationship hits rough waters. Happy marriages are made when two people are both working together towards the common goal of love and happiness while struggling for however long it takes to make their relationship work.

Bottom line: Good and lasting relationships take work and effort, as well as love.

– Luis Joseph Castle

Luis Joseph Castle_smLuis Joseph Castle is the founder and director of the Health, Healing & Faith Center. He is a certified counselor and life coach devoted to helping people change their lives for the better. CONTACT US for a complimentary 15-minute Meet and Greet Telephone Consultation.

#Love #Happiness #Forgiveness #Patience #Commitment #MotivationalQuotes